4 Analysis of Green Economy Strategies
While the previous chapter is presented as a broad overview of different green economy strategies from locations across the U.S. and other countries, this chapter hand-picks a limited subset of strategies to examine in greater detail. These strategies are selected because of their ability to be modeled using the same framework as developed in Chapter 2, as well as their identification as practical options for Stockton by Stockton stakeholders. After a description of how the strategies will be quantitatively evaluated within our existing GHG framework, the following sections are once again organized by domain of green economy strategies. Each section introduces key model assumptions, and then a specific set of recommended strategies are modeled in terms of their possible impact on GHG reduction and economic benefits. Where possible, short-term and operational costs are also estimated.
More strategies will be analyzed over time. Refer to the Conclusion (Chapter 5) for a list of upcoming analyses.