2.2 Green Jobs

While there are many possible ways to identify “green jobs”, this report uses the Bureau of Labor Statistics Green Jobs Initiative classification of 333 NAICS industries which it has determined to potentially contain jobs that meet its definition of green jobs:

  • Jobs in businesses that produce goods or provide services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources.
  • Jobs in which workers’ duties involve making their establishment’s production processes more environmentally friendly or use fewer natural resources.

Specifically, those 333 potential industries were classified into the following sub-categories:

  • 58 in “Energy from renewable sources”
  • 140 in “Energy efficiency”
  • 124 in “Pollution reduction and removal, greenhouse gas reduction, and recycling and reuse”
  • 75 in “Natural resource conservation”
  • 45 in “Environmental compliance, education and training, and public awareness”

The following six tables filter the full Quarterly Workforce Indicators dataset to just the BLS-classified sectors, as well as further filtering in these five sub-categories. The top green job sectors span agriculture, building trades, and scientific research. This analysis is at the County level because the QWI data is only available at that scale. Overall, 15% of the jobs in SJC would be classified as “green jobs” using the BLS criteria.

green_jobs_classification <- 
  read_csv("C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/green_jobs_classification.csv")

green_jobs_summary <-
  green_jobs_classification %>% 
  mutate(naics4digit = substr(`NAICS 2007`,1,4)) %>% 
  group_by(naics4digit) %>% 
    total = n(),
    green = sum(`BLS GGS in scope` =="Y"),
    green1 = sum(!is.na(`1. Energy from renewable sources`)),
    green2 = sum(!is.na(`2. Energy Efficiency`)),
    green3 = sum(!is.na(`3. Pollution reduction and removal, greenhouse gas reduction, and recycling and reuse`)),
    green4 = sum(!is.na(`4. Natural resource conservation`)),
    green5 = sum(!is.na(`5. Environmental compliance, education and training, and public awareness`))

green_jobs_summary <-
  green_jobs_summary %>% 
  mutate_at(vars("green","green1","green2","green3","green4","green5"), function(x){x/green_jobs_summary$total}) %>% 
  filter(green > 0.5)

green_jobs_sjc_18 <-
  qwi_sjc %>% 
  filter(year == 2018, industry %in% green_jobs_summary$naics4digit) %>% 
  arrange(desc(EmpS)) %>% 
    `Green job category` = label, 
    Jobs = prettyNum(round(EmpS,-2),big.mark=","), 
    `Average Earnings` = paste0("$",prettyNum(round(EarnS,-2),big.mark=","))

  booktabs = TRUE, 
  caption = 'Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services for San Joaquin County 2018.'
  ) %>% 
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px")
Table 2.5: Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services for San Joaquin County 2018.
Green job category Jobs Average Earnings
Support Activities for Crop Production 4,000 $2,800
Fruit and Tree Nut Farming 2,900 $3,000
Building Equipment Contractors 2,500 $5,500
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools 2,300 $4,500
Building Finishing Contractors 1,900 $3,600
Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors 1,800 $4,100
Residential Building Construction 1,200 $4,100
Other Specialty Trade Contractors 1,100 $5,100
Administration of Economic Programs 1,100 $6,700
Cattle Ranching and Farming 1,100 $3,100
Other Wood Product Manufacturing 1,000 $4,300
Vegetable and Melon Farming 900 $3,600
Nonresidential Building Construction 800 $5,100
Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production 800 $3,000
Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing 800 $5,200
Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services 600 $6,800
Water, Sewage and Other Systems 600 $6,800
Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing 600 $6,800
Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance 500 $4,700
School and Employee Bus Transportation 400 $4,300
Utility System Construction 300 $7,600
Waste Collection 300 $5,700
Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers 300 $4,600
Administration of Environmental Quality Programs 300 $5,900
Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations 300 $3,700
Other Crop Farming 300 $3,200
Oilseed and Grain Farming 200 $3,100
Used Merchandise Stores 200 $2,000
Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing 200 $3,900
Cable and Other Subscription Programming 200 $8,300
Urban Transit Systems 200 $5,100
Waste Treatment and Disposal 200 $6,100
Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing 200 $4,500
Other Information Services 200 $7,600
Foundries 200 $4,000
Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 200 $6,200
Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions 100 $4,000
Poultry and Egg Production 100 $2,600
Land Subdivision 100 $6,400
Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing 100 $5,200
Remediation and Other Waste Management Services 100 $3,600
Radio and Television Broadcasting 100 $5,300
Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance 100 $3,900
Specialized Design Services 100 $4,100
Paint, Coating, and Adhesive Manufacturing 100 $4,500
Support Activities for Animal Production 0 $2,900
Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing 0 $2,700
Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing 0 $6,400
Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing 0 $5,600
Grantmaking and Giving Services 0 $4,000
Other Animal Production 0 $2,500
Scientific Research and Development Services 0 $5,400
Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing 0 $3,800
Software Publishers 0 $8,800


green1_jobs_sjc_18 <-
  qwi_sjc %>% 
  filter(year == 2018, industry %in% green_jobs_summary[which(green_jobs_summary$green1>0.5),]$naics4digit) %>%
  arrange(desc(EmpS)) %>% 
    `Green jobs related to Energy from renewable sources` = label, 
    Jobs = prettyNum(round(EmpS,-2),big.mark=","), 
    `Average Earnings` = paste0("$",prettyNum(round(EarnS,-2),big.mark=","))

  booktabs = TRUE, 
  caption = 'Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services related to "Energy from renewable sources" for San Joaquin County 2018.'
  ) %>% 
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 2.6: Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services related to “Energy from renewable sources” for San Joaquin County 2018.
Green jobs related to Energy from renewable sources Jobs Average Earnings
Fruit and Tree Nut Farming 2,900 $3,000
Vegetable and Melon Farming 900 $3,600
Oilseed and Grain Farming 200 $3,100
Foundries 200 $4,000
Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 200 $6,200
Land Subdivision 100 $6,400
Scientific Research and Development Services 0 $5,400


green2_jobs_sjc_18 <-
  qwi_sjc %>% 
  filter(year == 2018, industry %in% green_jobs_summary[which(green_jobs_summary$green2>0.5),]$naics4digit) %>%
  arrange(desc(EmpS)) %>% 
    `Green jobs related to Energy Efficiency` = label, 
    Jobs = prettyNum(EmpS,big.mark=","), 
    `Average Earnings` = paste0("$",prettyNum(EarnS,big.mark=","))

  booktabs = TRUE, 
  caption = 'Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services related to "Energy efficiency" for San Joaquin County 2018.'
  ) %>% 
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 2.7: Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services related to “Energy efficiency” for San Joaquin County 2018.
Green jobs related to Energy Efficiency Jobs Average Earnings
Building Equipment Contractors 2,545 $5,545
Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors 1,794 $4,103
Residential Building Construction 1,178 $4,123
Nonresidential Building Construction 814 $5,068
Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing 750 $5,197
Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance 458 $4,727
School and Employee Bus Transportation 386 $4,281
Urban Transit Systems 219 $5,064
Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 151 $6,197
Land Subdivision 119 $6,431
Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing 112 $5,188
Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance 80 $3,943
Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing 39 $6,394
Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing 12 $3,801
Software Publishers 10 $8,825


green3_jobs_sjc_18 <-
  qwi_sjc %>% 
  filter(year == 2018, industry %in% green_jobs_summary[which(green_jobs_summary$green3>0.5),]$naics4digit) %>%
  arrange(desc(EmpS)) %>% 
    `Green jobs related to Pollution reduction and removal, greenhouse gas reduction, and recycling and reuse` = label, 
    Jobs = prettyNum(round(EmpS,-2),big.mark=","), 
    `Average Earnings` = paste0("$",prettyNum(round(EarnS,-2),big.mark=","))

  booktabs = TRUE, 
  caption = 'Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services related to "Pollution reduction and removal, greenhouse gas reduction, and recycling and reuse" for San Joaquin County 2018.'
  ) %>% 
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 2.8: Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services related to “Pollution reduction and removal, greenhouse gas reduction, and recycling and reuse” for San Joaquin County 2018.
Green jobs related to Pollution reduction and removal, greenhouse gas reduction, and recycling and reuse Jobs Average Earnings
Building Finishing Contractors 1,900 $3,600
Residential Building Construction 1,200 $4,100
Other Specialty Trade Contractors 1,100 $5,100
Other Wood Product Manufacturing 1,000 $4,300
Nonresidential Building Construction 800 $5,100
Water, Sewage and Other Systems 600 $6,800
Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing 600 $6,800
Utility System Construction 300 $7,600
Waste Collection 300 $5,700
Used Merchandise Stores 200 $2,000
Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing 200 $3,900
Waste Treatment and Disposal 200 $6,100
Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 200 $6,200
Remediation and Other Waste Management Services 100 $3,600
Paint, Coating, and Adhesive Manufacturing 100 $4,500
Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing 0 $2,700
Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing 0 $6,400
Scientific Research and Development Services 0 $5,400
Software Publishers 0 $8,800


green4_jobs_sjc_18 <-
  qwi_sjc %>% 
  filter(year == 2018, industry %in% green_jobs_summary[which(green_jobs_summary$green4>0.5),]$naics4digit) %>%
  arrange(desc(EmpS)) %>% 
    `Green jobs related to Natural resource conservation` = label, 
    Jobs = prettyNum(round(EmpS,-2),big.mark=","), 
    `Average Earnings` = paste0("$",prettyNum(round(EarnS,-2),big.mark=","))

  booktabs = TRUE, 
  caption = 'Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services related to "Natural resource conservation" for San Joaquin County 2018.'
  ) %>% 
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 2.9: Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services related to “Natural resource conservation” for San Joaquin County 2018.
Green jobs related to Natural resource conservation Jobs Average Earnings
Support Activities for Crop Production 4,000 $2,800
Fruit and Tree Nut Farming 2,900 $3,000
Other Specialty Trade Contractors 1,100 $5,100
Cattle Ranching and Farming 1,100 $3,100
Vegetable and Melon Farming 900 $3,600
Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production 800 $3,000
Other Crop Farming 300 $3,200
Oilseed and Grain Farming 200 $3,100
Poultry and Egg Production 100 $2,600
Land Subdivision 100 $6,400
Support Activities for Animal Production 0 $2,900
Other Animal Production 0 $2,500


green5_jobs_sjc_18 <-
  qwi_sjc %>% 
  filter(year == 2018, industry %in% green_jobs_summary[which(green_jobs_summary$green5>0.5),]$naics4digit) %>%
  arrange(desc(EmpS)) %>% 
    `Green jobs related to Environmental compliance, education and training, and public awareness` = label, 
    Jobs = prettyNum(round(EmpS,-2),big.mark=","), 
    `Average Earnings` = paste0("$",prettyNum(round(EarnS,-2),big.mark=","))

  booktabs = TRUE, 
  caption = 'Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services related to "Environmental compliance, education and training, and public awareness" for San Joaquin County 2017.'
  ) %>% 
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 2.10: Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector classified by BLS to contain green jobs and services related to “Environmental compliance, education and training, and public awareness” for San Joaquin County 2017.
Green jobs related to Environmental compliance, education and training, and public awareness Jobs Average Earnings
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools 2,300 $4,500
Administration of Economic Programs 1,100 $6,700
Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers 300 $4,600
Administration of Environmental Quality Programs 300 $5,900
Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations 300 $3,700
Cable and Other Subscription Programming 200 $8,300
Other Information Services 200 $7,600
Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions 100 $4,000
Radio and Television Broadcasting 100 $5,300
Grantmaking and Giving Services 0 $4,000
Software Publishers 0 $8,800


The following table compares green jobs statistics for all counties in California, sorted by total number of green jobs. “Green Job Wage Premium” is the ratio of average green jobs earnings to average all jobs earnings. Of 58 counties, SJC ranks 19th in the state in terms of total number of green jobs, but 42nd in terms of percent green jobs and 38th in terms of green job wage premium.

# qwi_ca <- NULL
# for(years in 2010:2018){
#   for(county in ca_counties$COUNTYFP){
#     qwi<-
#       getCensus(
#         name = "timeseries/qwi/sa",
#         region = paste0("county:",county),
#         regionin = "state:06",
#         vars = c("EmpS","EarnS","industry","ind_level"),
#         time = years
#       ) %>%
#       filter(ind_level == 4) %>%
#       mutate(
#         year = substr(time,1,4)
#       ) %>%
#       left_join(label_industry, by= "industry") %>%
#       group_by(year,county,industry,label) %>%
#       summarize(
#         EmpS = round(mean(as.numeric(EmpS), na.rm = TRUE),0),
#         EarnS = round(mean(as.numeric(EarnS), na.rm = TRUE),0)
#       ) %>%
#       filter(!is.na(EmpS) & EmpS != 0)
#     qwi_ca<-
#       rbind(qwi_ca,qwi)
#   }
# }
# save(qwi_ca, file = "C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/qwi_ca.Rdata")
load("C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/qwi_ca.Rdata")

jobs_ca_compare <-
  qwi_ca %>% 
  group_by(year,county) %>% 
    totaljobs = sum(EmpS, na.rm=T),
    totaljobsearnings = weighted.mean(EarnS,EmpS, na.rm=T)

green_jobs_ca_compare <-
  qwi_ca %>% 
  filter(industry %in% green_jobs_summary$naics4digit) %>% 
  group_by(year,county) %>% 
    totalgreenjobs = sum(EmpS, na.rm=T),
    totalgreenjobsearnings = weighted.mean(EarnS,EmpS, na.rm=T)
  ) %>% 
  left_join(jobs_ca_compare, by = c("year","county")) %>% 
    perc_green_jobs = totalgreenjobs/totaljobs,
    wage_premium = totalgreenjobsearnings/totaljobsearnings
  ) %>% 
  left_join(ca_counties %>% dplyr::select(COUNTYFP,NAME) %>%  st_set_geometry(NULL), by = c("county"="COUNTYFP"))

green_jobs_ca_compare_table <-
  green_jobs_ca_compare %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(year == 2018) %>% 
  arrange(desc(totalgreenjobs %>% as.numeric())) %>% 
    County = NAME,
    `Green Jobs (#)` = prettyNum(round(totalgreenjobs/10^(nchar(totalgreenjobs)-2))*10^(nchar(totalgreenjobs)-2),big.mark=","),
    `Green Jobs (%)` = round(perc_green_jobs*100),
    `Green Jobs Average Quarterly Earnings` = paste0("$",prettyNum(round(totalgreenjobsearnings),big.mark=",")),
    `Green Job Wage Premium (%)` = round((wage_premium-1)*100)

  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Comparison of green jobs by County. Source: QWI 2018.'
) %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px")
Table 2.11: Comparison of green jobs by County. Source: QWI 2018.
County Green Jobs (#) Green Jobs (%) Green Jobs Average Quarterly Earnings Green Job Wage Premium (%)
Los Angeles 490,000 12 $6,922 36
Santa Clara 270,000 27 $18,454 62
San Diego 250,000 20 $7,501 42
Orange 230,000 15 $7,105 30
Alameda 160,000 22 $8,588 31
San Francisco 120,000 19 $10,981 13
Riverside 110,000 17 $4,526 14
Sacramento 100,000 18 $6,261 25
San Mateo 85,000 23 $22,435 103
San Bernardino 74,000 11 $4,989 22
Fresno 67,000 21 $3,923 3
Kern 61,000 25 $3,649 -12
Ventura 52,000 19 $4,520 -6
Monterey 52,000 35 $3,849 -7
Contra Costa 46,000 14 $6,854 14
Santa Barbara 45,000 28 $4,964 9
Tulare 34,000 26 $2,994 -13
Sonoma 32,000 18 $5,361 16
San Joaquin 32,000 15 $4,377 8
Solano 31,000 23 $6,313 20
Stanislaus 26,000 16 $4,183 1
Placer 22,000 15 $5,296 9
Santa Cruz 19,000 22 $5,489 23
San Luis Obispo 18,000 20 $4,677 11
Merced 16,000 26 $3,505 -2
Marin 14,000 15 $6,698 9
Napa 12,000 18 $5,106 6
Yolo 12,000 17 $5,166 19
Butte 11,000 17 $4,203 13
Madera 9,600 26 $3,043 -23
Imperial 9,600 20 $3,233 -8
El Dorado 7,800 18 $5,481 26
Kings 6,900 19 $3,452 -16
Humboldt 6,800 17 $4,347 27
Shasta 6,200 12 $4,677 28
Nevada 5,100 21 $4,881 23
Sutter 4,600 20 $3,215 -11
Tehama 4,300 33 $4,825 30
San Benito 3,900 34 $4,046 3
Mendocino 3,600 14 $3,955 15
Yuba 3,300 31 $4,665 25
Glenn 2,400 38 $3,679 3
Colusa 2,000 35 $3,491 -5
Lake 1,600 14 $3,303 10
Calaveras 1,500 23 $4,774 41
Siskiyou 1,300 15 $3,961 19
Tuolumne 1,200 11 $4,351 17
Amador 920 10 $3,958 1
Mono 580 12 $3,613 14
Inyo 580 12 $5,254 39
Plumas 550 14 $3,413 7
Mariposa 540 21 $5,777 72
Lassen 520 11 $4,267 -12
Del Norte 420 8 $2,897 -32
Modoc 410 33 $3,359 12
Trinity 89 8 $2,719 5
Alpine 46 66 $3,934 38
Sierra 36 16 $3,524 17


The following is a plot of percent green jobs from 2010-2018 for SJC and its closest neighboring counties. SJC’s percent green jobs has stayed mostly stagnant and even dipped in the past couple of years, and is low compared to its neighboring counties.

green_jobs_ca_compare %>% 
  filter(NAME %in% c("San Joaquin","Stanislaus","Alameda","Sacramento","Fresno","Solano","Contra Costa")) %>% 
      x = year %>% as.numeric(),
      y = perc_green_jobs*100,
      colour = NAME
  ) +
  geom_line() +
    x = "Year",
    y = "% Green Jobs",
    colour = "County"
Percent green jobs by county, 2010-2018. Source: QWI

Figure 2.7: Percent green jobs by county, 2010-2018. Source: QWI


The following is a plot of green job wage premium from 2010-2018 for SJC and its closest neighboring counties. SJC’s green job wage premium is also low relative its neighboring counties, but is at least steadily increasing at a similar or better pace.

green_jobs_ca_compare %>% 
  filter(NAME %in% c("San Joaquin","Stanislaus","Alameda","Sacramento","Fresno","Solano","Contra Costa")) %>% 
      x = year %>% as.numeric(),
      y = (wage_premium-1)*100,
      colour = NAME
  ) +
  geom_line() +
    x = "Year",
    y = "% Green Job Wage Premium",
    colour = "County"
Green job wage premium by county, 2010-2018. Source: QWI

Figure 2.8: Green job wage premium by county, 2010-2018. Source: QWI