2.1 Population and Jobs

The following analysis first processes population and jobs data at the County (SJC) level, where it is more readily available, followed by estimations at the City level.

2.1.1 County-level Analysis

The following datasets were collected for SJC:

A few notes on methodology and assumptions:

  1. From the ACS, we collected Total Population, Total Population 16 and Older, Total Employed Residents (16+), and Unemployment Rate (for 16+). In order to forecast the future number of employed residents, which would then be used to forecast the future number of jobs, we chose to perform a linear regression on employment rate projecting to 2040, given that the unemployment rate was significantly more variable from 2010-2018.
  2. Population projections come from a study published in Nature in 2019. The specific methodology is beyond the scope of this project to unpack. What’s notable is that five different projections were made by the author based on diferent “potential futures involving various growth policies, fossil-fuel usage, mitigation policies (i.e. emission reductions), adaptation policies (i.e. deployment of flood defenses), and population change”. We used the “Middle of the road” projection.
  3. Projections from the above study were available in 5-year age groups. While the total population projection is directly used in the final table below for SJC, Population of 15+ was also collected which was multiplied by the previously projected Employment Rate (#1) to forecast total Employed Residents. Note that given data limitations we have a discontinuity between Population 16+ data from 2010-2018 and Population 15+ data from 2020-2040. We assume this difference is negligible for the purposes of our analysis, but it would have the effect of overestimating job count.
  4. From LODES we collected “Primary Jobs” at the block group level and aggregated all jobs for block groups in SJC. These are meant to match the number of individual workers in a region. We also compared this number to the number of employees provided by the Quarterly Workforce Indicators dataset and the number of nonemployer establishments in the Nonemployer Statistics dataset. The LODES Primary Jobs number was higher than the QWI Employee count but lower than the QWI Employee count plus Nonemployer Establishments count, which seems to make sense (since an individual could operate multiple nonemployer establishments).
  5. We calculated J/ER for 2010-2018 by dividing total Jobs by Employed Residents. Then, we chose to perform a linear regression on J/ER ratio projecting to 2040, and multiplied this by our projected Employed Residents (#3) to forecast total Jobs.
ca_counties <- counties("CA", cb = TRUE)
ca_tracts <- tracts("CA", cb = TRUE)
ca_bgs <- block_groups("CA", cb = TRUE)

county_neighbors <-
  ca_counties %>% 
  filter(NAME %in% c(
    "San Joaquin",
    "Santa Clara",
    "Contra Costa",
    "San Francisco",
    "San Mateo",

pop_sjc <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=3,nrow=0))
colnames(pop_sjc) <- c("Population","Population15andolder","year")

for(year in 2010:2018){

  temp <-
      name = "acs/acs1",
      vintage = year,
      vars = c("B01003_001E"),
      region = "county:077",
      regionin = "state:06"
    ) %>%
      Population = B01003_001E,
      year = year
    ) %>%

  pop_sjc<- rbind(pop_sjc,temp)


sjc_projection <-
  read_csv("C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/SSP_asrc_STATEfiles/DATA-PROCESSED/SPLITPROJECTIONS/CA.csv") %>%
  filter(COUNTY == "077") %>%
  group_by(YEAR) %>%
    Population = sum(SSP2),
    Population15andOlder = sum(SSP2[which(AGE > 3)])
  ) %>%
  filter(YEAR %in% c(2020,2025,2030,2035,2040)) %>%
  dplyr::select(Population, Population15andOlder, year = YEAR)

pop_sjc_w_projection <-

emp_sjc <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=2,nrow=0))
colnames(emp_sjc) <- c("EmployedResidents","year")

for(year in 2010:2018){

  temp <-
      name = "acs/acs1/subject",
      vintage = year,
      vars = c("S2301_C01_001E","S2301_C03_001E","S2301_C04_001E"),
      region = "county:077",
      regionin = "state:06"
    ) %>%
      Population16andOlder = S2301_C01_001E,
      PercEmployedResidents = S2301_C03_001E,
      EmployedResidents = PercEmployedResidents/100*Population16andOlder,
      UnemploymentRate = S2301_C04_001E,
      year = year
    ) %>%

  emp_sjc<- rbind(emp_sjc,temp)


pop_emp_sjc_w_projection <-
  pop_sjc_w_projection %>%
  left_join(emp_sjc, by = "year") %>%
    PercEmployedResidents = ifelse(
        formula = `PercEmployedResidents`[1:9] ~ year[1:9]
          formula = `PercEmployedResidents`[1:9] ~ year[1:9]
    EmployedResidents = ifelse(!is.na(EmployedResidents),EmployedResidents,Population15andOlder*PercEmployedResidents/100)

# sjc_wac <-
#   2010:2017 %>%
#   map(function(year){
#     ca_wac <-
#       grab_lodes(
#         state = "ca",
#         year = year,
#         lodes_type = "wac",
#         job_type = "JT01",
#         segment = "S000",
#         state_part = "main",
#         agg_geo = "bg"
#       )
#     temp <-
#       ca_wac %>%
#       filter(substr(w_bg,1,5) == "06077")
#     return(temp)
#   }) %>%
#   rbindlist()
# save(sjc_wac, file = "C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/sjc_wac.Rdata")
load("C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/sjc_wac.Rdata")

jobs_sjc <-
  sjc_wac %>%
  group_by(year) %>% 
  summarize(Jobs = sum(C000))

#Add 2018 jobs projection
jobs_sjc[9,1] <- 2018
jobs_sjc[9,2] <- 
  lm(formula = jobs_sjc$Jobs[1:8] ~ jobs_sjc$year[1:8])$coefficients[1]+
  lm(formula = jobs_sjc$Jobs[1:8] ~ jobs_sjc$year[1:8])$coefficients[2]*2018

pop_jobs_sjc_w_projection <-
  pop_emp_sjc_w_projection %>%
  left_join(jobs_sjc, by = "year") %>%
    ratio = ifelse(
        formula = Jobs[1:9]/EmployedResidents[1:9] ~ year[1:9]
          formula = Jobs[1:9]/EmployedResidents[1:9] ~ year[1:9]
    Jobs = ifelse(!is.na(Jobs),Jobs,EmployedResidents*ratio)
  ) %>%
    Year = year,
    Population = Population,
    Jobs = Jobs,
    `Employed Residents` = EmployedResidents,
    `J/ER Ratio` = ratio,
    `Percent Employed Residents` = PercEmployedResidents,
    `Percent Unemployment` = UnemploymentRate

pop_jobs_sjc_w_projection_table <-
  pop_jobs_sjc_w_projection %>%
    Year = Year,
    Population = prettyNum(round(Population,-3),big.mark=","),
    Jobs = prettyNum(round(Jobs,-3),big.mark=","),
    `Employed Residents` = prettyNum(round(`Employed Residents`,-3),big.mark=","),
    `J/ER Ratio` = round(`J/ER Ratio`,2),
    `Percent Employed Residents` = paste0(round(`Percent Employed Residents`),"%"),
    `Percent Unemployment` = ifelse(is.na(`Percent Unemployment`),"NA",paste0(round(`Percent Unemployment`),"%"))

# save(pop_jobs_sjc_w_projection, file = "C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/pop_jobs_sjc_w_projection.Rdata")

  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Historical population and job counts for San Joaquin County 2010-2017, followed by projections to 2040.'
) %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 2.1: Historical population and job counts for San Joaquin County 2010-2017, followed by projections to 2040.
Year Population Jobs Employed Residents J/ER Ratio Percent Employed Residents Percent Unemployment
2010 688,000 185,000 265,000 0.70 52% 17%
2011 696,000 184,000 264,000 0.70 51% 18%
2012 703,000 187,000 270,000 0.69 52% 16%
2013 704,000 192,000 278,000 0.69 52% 13%
2014 716,000 197,000 290,000 0.68 54% 11%
2015 726,000 212,000 293,000 0.72 53% 11%
2016 734,000 220,000 306,000 0.72 55% 9%
2017 745,000 226,000 314,000 0.72 56% 6%
2018 753,000 230,000 326,000 0.70 57% 6%
2020 763,000 247,000 343,000 0.72 58% NA
2025 797,000 285,000 388,000 0.74 61% NA
2030 829,000 324,000 432,000 0.75 65% NA
2035 859,000 363,000 474,000 0.76 68% NA
2040 886,000 403,000 518,000 0.78 72% NA


The figure below shows the J/ER ratio projected out to 2040, reaching a high of 0.78. This is not particularly high (given our goal of surpassing 1). There is certainly room for improvement through proactive economic development strategies.

ggplot(pop_jobs_sjc_w_projection, aes(x = Year)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = `J/ER Ratio`), size=2, colour = "forest green") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 2018), color = "dark grey") +
  annotate("text",label= "Data Available\n", color = "dark grey", x=2018, y=.75, angle = 90, size=4) +
  annotate("text",label= "\nForecast", color = "dark grey", x=2018, y=.75, angle = 90, size=4) +
  labs(title = "San Joaquin County, CA")
Historical Jobs to Employed Residents Ratio for San Joaquin County 2010-2018, followed by projections to 2040.

Figure 2.1: Historical Jobs to Employed Residents Ratio for San Joaquin County 2010-2018, followed by projections to 2040.


ggplot(pop_jobs_sjc_w_projection, aes(x = Year)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = `Employed Residents`/100000, colour = "Employed Residents"), size = 2) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Jobs/100000, colour = "Jobs"), size = 2) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Population/100000, colour = "Population"), size = 2) + 
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 2018), color = "dark grey") +
  annotate("text",label= "Data Available\n", color = "dark grey", x=2018, y=5, angle = 90, size=4) +
  annotate("text",label= "\nForecast", color = "dark grey", x=2018, y=5, angle = 90, size=4) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("purple","blue","red")) + 
  labs(title = "San Joaquin County, CA", y = "Count (100,000s)", colour = "")
Historical population, employed residents, and jobs for San Joaquin County 2010-2018, followed by projections to 2040.

Figure 2.2: Historical population, employed residents, and jobs for San Joaquin County 2010-2018, followed by projections to 2040.


The following figure compares the J/ER ratio for SJC and its neighboring counties since 2010. SJC is toward the lower end of the group. It appears that all of these counties are stagnant or decreasing in this metric, and are all “bedroom counties” in the sense of being net exporters of workers during the day.

# county_jer <- NULL
# for(year in 2010:2017){
#   ca_wac <-
#     grab_lodes(
#       state = "ca",
#       year = year,
#       lodes_type = "wac",
#       job_type = "JT01",
#       segment = "S000",
#       state_part = "main",
#       agg_geo = "tract"
#     )
#   for(county in county_neighbors$COUNTYFP){
#      temp <-
#       getCensus(
#         name = "acs/acs1/subject",
#         vintage = year,
#         vars = c("S2301_C01_001E","S2301_C03_001E","S2301_C04_001E"),
#         region = paste0("county:",county),
#         regionin = "state:06"
#       ) %>%
#       mutate(
#         Population16andOlder = S2301_C01_001E,
#         PercEmployedResidents = S2301_C03_001E,
#         EmployedResidents = round( PercEmployedResidents/100*Population16andOlder),
#         Year = year,
#         Jobs = 
#           ca_wac %>% 
#           filter(substr(w_tract,3,5) == county) %>% 
#           pull(C000) %>% 
#           sum(na.rm=T),
#         County = county_neighbors[which(county_neighbors$COUNTYFP == county),]$NAME,
#       ) %>%
#       dplyr::select(
#         County,
#         Year,
#         Jobs,
#         EmployedResidents
#       )
#     county_jer<- rbind(county_jer,temp)
#   }
# }
# save(county_jer,file="C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/county_jer.Rdata")
load("C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/county_jer.Rdata")

county_jer %>% 
  filter(County %in% c("San Joaquin","Stanislaus","Alameda","Sacramento","Fresno","Solano","Contra Costa")) %>% 
      x = Year,
      y = Jobs/EmployedResidents,
      colour = County
  ) +
Comparison of Jobs to Employment Ratio for different counties, 2010-2017.

Figure 2.3: Comparison of Jobs to Employment Ratio for different counties, 2010-2017.


The Quarterly Workforce Indicators dataset also illustrates the number and average quarterly earnings of jobs in different sub-level NAICS industry sectors (228 total). The table below is sorted by sectors with the most jobs in SJC.

label_industry <-
  read_csv("C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/label_industry.csv")

# qwi_sjc <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=5,nrow=0))
# colnames(qwi_sjc) <- c("year","industry","label","EmpS","EarnS")
# for(years in 2010:2018){
#   qwi<-
#     getCensus(
#       name = "timeseries/qwi/sa",
#       region = "county:077",
#       regionin = "state:06",
#       vars = c("EmpS","EarnS","industry","ind_level"),
#       time = years
#     ) %>%
#     filter(ind_level == 4) %>%
#     mutate(
#       year = substr(time,1,4)
#     ) %>%
#     left_join(label_industry, by= "industry") %>%
#     group_by(year,industry,label) %>%
#     summarize(
#       EmpS = round(mean(as.numeric(EmpS), na.rm = TRUE),0),
#       EarnS = round(mean(as.numeric(EarnS), na.rm = TRUE),0)
#     ) %>%
#     filter(!is.na(EmpS) & EmpS != 0)
#   qwi_sjc<-
#     bind_rows(qwi_sjc,qwi)
# }
# save(qwi_sjc, file = "C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/qwi_sjc.Rdata")
load("C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/qwi_sjc.Rdata")

qwi_sjc_18 <-
  qwi_sjc %>% 
  filter(year == 2018) %>% 
  arrange(desc(EmpS)) %>% 
    Label = label, 
    Jobs = prettyNum(round(EmpS,-2),big.mark=","), 
    `Average Quarterly Earnings` = paste0("$",prettyNum(round(EarnS,-2),big.mark=","))

  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector for San Joaquin County 2018.'
) %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px")
Table 2.2: Job counts and earnings by NAICS industry sector for San Joaquin County 2018.
Label Jobs Average Quarterly Earnings
Elementary and Secondary Schools 17,100 $4,300
Warehousing and Storage 15,300 $3,300
Restaurants and Other Eating Places 14,100 $1,700
Individual and Family Services 7,300 $1,200
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals 7,100 $6,500
Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities 4,900 $6,600
General Freight Trucking 4,600 $4,800
General Merchandise Stores, including Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters 4,300 $2,900
Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers 4,200 $4,500
Support Activities for Crop Production 4,000 $2,800
Employment Services 3,700 $2,900
Grocery Stores 3,400 $2,700
Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support 3,300 $6,200
Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities) 3,100 $3,100
Offices of Physicians 3,000 $6,700
Fruit and Tree Nut Farming 2,900 $3,000
Building Equipment Contractors 2,500 $5,500
Services to Buildings and Dwellings 2,500 $2,700
Outpatient Care Centers 2,300 $9,900
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools 2,300 $4,500
Beverage Manufacturing 2,200 $4,200
Administration of Human Resource Programs 2,200 $6,100
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 2,100 $3,400
Management of Companies and Enterprises 2,100 $4,800
Building Material and Supplies Dealers 1,900 $3,100
Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related Activities 1,900 $6,400
Building Finishing Contractors 1,900 $3,600
Automobile Dealers 1,800 $4,900
Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors 1,800 $4,100
Other Amusement and Recreation Industries 1,800 $2,500
Specialized Freight Trucking 1,800 $4,800
Investigation and Security Services 1,700 $2,800
Offices of Dentists 1,700 $3,800
Health and Personal Care Stores 1,500 $3,800
Vocational Rehabilitation Services 1,500 $5,000
Continuing Care Retirement Communities and Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly 1,400 $2,500
Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers 1,300 $5,600
Depository Credit Intermediation 1,300 $8,000
Couriers and Express Delivery Services 1,200 $2,600
Clothing Stores 1,200 $1,800
Automotive Parts, Accessories, and Tire Stores 1,200 $3,200
Residential Building Construction 1,200 $4,100
Other Specialty Trade Contractors 1,100 $5,100
Administration of Economic Programs 1,100 $6,700
Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers 1,100 $8,400
Offices of Other Health Practitioners 1,100 $3,200
Architectural and Structural Metals Manufacturing 1,100 $5,700
Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers 1,100 $4,800
Department Stores 1,100 $2,000
Gasoline Stations 1,100 $2,200
Cattle Ranching and Farming 1,100 $3,100
Animal Slaughtering and Processing 1,000 $4,300
Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction 1,000 $6,900
Traveler Accommodation 1,000 $2,200
Other Wood Product Manufacturing 1,000 $4,300
Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food Manufacturing 1,000 $4,500
Vegetable and Melon Farming 900 $3,600
Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers 900 $6,000
Personal Care Services 900 $1,700
Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services 900 $4,400
Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services 900 $3,800
Converted Paper Product Manufacturing 900 $5,200
Child Day Care Services 800 $2,200
Nonresidential Building Construction 800 $5,100
Activities Related to Real Estate 800 $3,300
Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production 800 $3,000
Business Support Services 800 $5,000
Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing 800 $3,600
Sporting Goods, Hobby, and Musical Instrument Stores 800 $1,700
Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing 800 $5,200
Plastics Product Manufacturing 700 $4,000
Home Health Care Services 700 $3,200
Residential Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Facilities 700 $2,300
Lessors of Real Estate 700 $3,200
Other Food Manufacturing 600 $4,100
Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services 600 $6,800
Legal Services 600 $5,700
Wired and Wireless Telecommunications Carriers 600 $6,100
Water, Sewage and Other Systems 600 $6,800
Electronics and Appliance Stores 600 $4,500
Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 600 $3,600
Drycleaning and Laundry Services 600 $3,700
Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing 600 $6,800
Household and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing 600 $3,700
Other Ambulatory Health Care Services 600 $4,600
Other Schools and Instruction 500 $1,100
Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers 500 $6,300
Specialty Food Stores 500 $2,000
Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance 500 $4,700
Insurance Carriers 400 $7,400
Lumber and Other Construction Materials Merchant Wholesalers 400 $5,300
Metal and Mineral (except Petroleum) Merchant Wholesalers 400 $5,800
Animal Food Manufacturing 400 $4,900
Paper and Paper Product Merchant Wholesalers 400 $5,300
Other Support Services 400 $2,800
Motion Picture and Video Industries 400 $2,100
Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing 400 $6,000
Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing 400 $4,300
Gambling Industries 400 $2,600
School and Employee Bus Transportation 400 $4,300
Religious Organizations 400 $1,900
Other Motor Vehicle Dealers 400 $4,500
Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing 400 $4,600
Office Administrative Services 400 $7,200
Apparel, Piece Goods, and Notions Merchant Wholesalers 400 $4,500
Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers 400 $2,400
Civic and Social Organizations 400 $1,700
Utility System Construction 300 $7,600
Grain and Oilseed Milling 300 $5,300
Hardware, and Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers 300 $5,700
Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers 300 $4,300
Special Food Services 300 $2,600
Rubber Product Manufacturing 300 $6,900
Beer, Wine, and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers 300 $6,600
Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied Activities 300 $3,600
Home Furnishings Stores 300 $2,600
Waste Collection 300 $5,700
Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers 300 $4,600
Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers 300 $6,400
Administration of Environmental Quality Programs 300 $5,900
Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers 300 $4,800
Dairy Product Manufacturing 300 $6,100
Computer Systems Design and Related Services 300 $7,000
Household Appliances and Electrical and Electronic Goods Merchant Wholesalers 300 $6,100
Drugs and Druggists’ Sundries Merchant Wholesalers 300 $8,400
Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations 300 $3,700
Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 300 $5,800
Other Crop Farming 300 $3,200
Support Activities for Water Transportation 300 $8,200
Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing 300 $4,300
Shoe Stores 300 $2,000
Oilseed and Grain Farming 200 $3,100
Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Stores 200 $3,800
Freight Transportation Arrangement 200 $4,400
Used Merchandise Stores 200 $2,000
Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery Manufacturing 200 $4,400
Activities Related to Credit Intermediation 200 $4,400
Educational Support Services 200 $4,000
Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product Manufacturing 200 $3,900
Support Activities for Road Transportation 200 $3,400
Cable and Other Subscription Programming 200 $8,300
Nondepository Credit Intermediation 200 $8,100
Urban Transit Systems 200 $5,100
Pesticide, Fertilizer, and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing 200 $5,300
Death Care Services 200 $3,500
Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services 200 $2,300
Furniture and Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers 200 $4,200
Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) 200 $1,500
Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Stores 200 $3,200
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing 200 $4,600
Waste Treatment and Disposal 200 $6,100
Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation 200 $2,900
Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing 200 $4,500
Printing and Related Support Activities 200 $3,200
Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Stores 200 $1,900
Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Services 200 $2,400
Social Advocacy Organizations 200 $3,400
Private Households 200 $1,800
Other Information Services 200 $7,600
Beer, Wine, and Liquor Stores 200 $2,400
Other Support Activities for Transportation 200 $3,000
Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories 200 $4,700
Business Schools and Computer and Management Training 200 $1,400
Other Personal Services 200 $2,300
Support Activities for Rail Transportation 200 $4,800
Furniture Stores 200 $2,800
Foundries 200 $4,000
Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing 200 $10,100
Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 200 $6,200
Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing 100 $5,700
Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers 100 $2,900
Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution 100 $7,900
Other Financial Investment Activities 100 $6,200
Support Activities for Air Transportation 100 $5,400
Technical and Trade Schools 100 $3,300
Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses 100 $5,700
Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing 100 $3,400
Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing 100 $3,500
Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions 100 $4,000
Poultry and Egg Production 100 $2,600
Land Subdivision 100 $6,400
Direct Selling Establishments 100 $4,300
Local Messengers and Local Delivery 100 $2,800
Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing 100 $5,200
Remediation and Other Waste Management Services 100 $3,600
Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing 100 $5,400
Consumer Goods Rental 100 $2,300
Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers 100 $5,600
Soap, Cleaning Compound, and Toilet Preparation Manufacturing 100 $5,400
Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance 100 $3,300
Florists 100 $2,200
Other Residential Care Facilities 100 $2,600
RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Recreational Camps 100 $2,100
Radio and Television Broadcasting 100 $5,300
Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance 100 $3,900
Specialized Design Services 100 $4,100
Resin, Synthetic Rubber, and Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing 100 $5,100
Spectator Sports 100 $4,300
Other Textile Product Mills 100 $3,300
Book Stores and News Dealers 100 $2,100
Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation and Brokerage 100 $12,000
Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying 100 $6,900
Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing 100 $4,800
Performing Arts Companies 100 $1,000
Paint, Coating, and Adhesive Manufacturing 100 $4,500
Boiler, Tank, and Shipping Container Manufacturing 100 $3,300
Support Activities for Animal Production 0 $2,900
Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing 0 $2,700
Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services 0 $3,600
Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing 0 $6,400
Facilities Support Services 0 $4,900
Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing 0 $5,600
Grantmaking and Giving Services 0 $4,000
Other Animal Production 0 $2,500
Basic Chemical Manufacturing 0 $5,800
Rooming and Boarding Houses, Dormitories, and Workers’ Camps 0 $2,700
Other Telecommunications 0 $5,800
Scientific Research and Development Services 0 $5,400
Taxi and Limousine Service 0 $2,000
Office Furniture (including Fixtures) Manufacturing 0 $3,500
Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services 0 $3,600
Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events 0 $3,800
Amusement Parks and Arcades 0 $1,300
Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers 0 $2,500
Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing 0 $3,800
Other Pipeline Transportation 0 $10,300
Software Publishers 0 $8,800
Nonscheduled Air Transportation 0 $2,400


2.1.2 City-level Analysis

The Nature journal population projections from the previous section are not available at the City level; in this case we chose to assume that Stockton’s missing data was proportional to the related data we had at the County level. Otherwise, to scale our analysis down to Stockton, we collected data at the block group level. The following block groups were manually selected to represent Stockton.

stockton_boundary <- 
  places("CA", cb = TRUE) %>% 
  filter(NAME == "Stockton") 

stockton_boundary_buffer <-
  stockton_boundary %>% 
  st_transform(26910) %>% 
  st_buffer(1600) %>% 
# includes unincorporated areas on periphery that have addresses in Stockton, but removing Lodi and Manteca areas
stockton_bgs_full <- 
  block_groups("CA", cb = TRUE)[stockton_boundary_buffer,c("GEOID")] %>% 
  filter(!(GEOID %in% c("060770051351","060770040011","060770041061","060770041022")))

# stockton_bgs_minimal <- 
#   block_groups("CA", cb = TRUE)[stockton_boundary,c("GEOID")] %>% 
#   filter(!(GEOID %in% c("060770040011","060770039001","060770041061","060770039001","060770039002","060770051311","060770051351","060770041022","06077002701","060770036012","060770015002","060770017001","060770017003","060770017002","060770027011","060770027012","060770027013","060770027014","060770037001")))

stockton_tracts_full <-
  tracts("CA", cb = TRUE)[stockton_boundary_buffer,c("GEOID")] %>% 
  filter(!(GEOID %in% c("06077004001","06077004106","06077005135")))

# mapview(stockton_tracts_full) + mapview(stockton_boundary, alpha.regions = 0, color = "red", lwd = 4)

# map <- mapview(stockton_bgs_full$geometry) + mapview(stockton_boundary$geometry, alpha.regions = 0, color = "red", lwd = 4)
# mapshot(map,url="map-bgs.html")


Figure 2.4: Block groups used to represent Stockton population estimates. The red outline is the official city boundary.


pop_stockton <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=3,nrow=0))
colnames(pop_stockton) <- c("PopulationStockton","Population15andolder","year")

for(year in 2010:2018){

  temp <-
      name = "acs/acs1",
      vintage = year,
      vars = c("B01003_001E"),
      region = "place:75000",
      regionin = "state:06"
    ) %>%
      PopulationStockton = B01003_001E,
      year = year
    ) %>%

  pop_stockton<- rbind(pop_stockton,temp)


emp_stockton <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=2,nrow=0))
colnames(emp_stockton) <- c("EmployedResidents","year")

for(year in 2010:2018){ 

  temp <-
      name = "acs/acs1/subject",
      vintage = year,
      vars = c("S2301_C01_001E","S2301_C03_001E","S2301_C04_001E"),
      region = "place:75000",
      regionin = "state:06"
    ) %>%
      Population16andOlder = S2301_C01_001E,
      PercEmployedResidents = S2301_C03_001E,
      EmployedResidents = PercEmployedResidents/100*Population16andOlder,
      UnemploymentRate = S2301_C04_001E,
      year = year
    ) %>%

  emp_stockton<- rbind(emp_stockton,temp)


pop_emp_stockton_w_projection <-
  pop_sjc_w_projection %>%
  left_join(pop_stockton, by = "year") %>% 
  left_join(emp_stockton, by = "year") %>%
    PercStockton = PopulationStockton/Population,
    PercStocktonAdult = Population16andOlder/PopulationStockton,
    PercStockton = ifelse(
        formula = `PercStockton`[1:9] ~ year[1:9]
          formula = `PercStockton`[1:9] ~ year[1:9]
    PopulationStockton = Population * PercStockton,
    PopulationStockton15andOlder = Population15andOlder * PercStockton,
    PercEmployedResidents = ifelse(
        formula = `PercEmployedResidents`[1:9] ~ year[1:9]
          formula = `PercEmployedResidents`[1:9] ~ year[1:9]
    EmployedResidents = ifelse(

# stockton_wac <-
#   2010:2017 %>%
#   map_dfr(function(year){
#     ca_wac <-
#       grab_lodes(
#         state = "ca",
#         year = year,
#         lodes_type = "wac",
#         job_type = "JT01",
#         segment = "S000",
#         state_part = "main",
#         agg_geo = "bg"
#       )
#     temp <-
#       stockton_bgs_full %>%
#       geo_join(ca_wac, "GEOID", "w_bg")
#     return(temp)
#   })
# save(stockton_wac, file = "C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/stockton_wac.Rdata")
load("C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/stockton_wac.Rdata")

jobs_stockton <-
  stockton_wac %>% 
  group_by(year) %>% 
  summarize(Jobs = sum(C000))

#Add 2018 jobs projection
jobs_stockton[9,1] <- 2018
jobs_stockton[9,2] <- 
  lm(formula = jobs_stockton$Jobs[1:8] ~ jobs_stockton$year[1:8])$coefficients[1]+
  lm(formula = jobs_stockton$Jobs[1:8] ~ jobs_stockton$year[1:8])$coefficients[2]*2018

pop_jobs_stockton_w_projection <-
  pop_emp_stockton_w_projection %>%
  left_join(jobs_stockton, by = "year") %>%
    ratio = ifelse(
        formula = Jobs[1:9]/EmployedResidents[1:9] ~ year[1:9]
          formula = Jobs[1:9]/EmployedResidents[1:9] ~ year[1:9]
    Jobs = ifelse(!is.na(Jobs),Jobs,EmployedResidents*ratio)
  ) %>%
    Year = year,
    Population = PopulationStockton,
    Jobs = Jobs,
    `Employed Residents` = EmployedResidents,
    `J/ER Ratio` = ratio,
    `Percent Employed Residents` = PercEmployedResidents,
    `Percent Unemployment` = UnemploymentRate

pop_jobs_stockton_w_projection_table <-
  pop_jobs_stockton_w_projection %>%
    Year = Year,
    Population = prettyNum(round(Population,-3),big.mark=","),
    Jobs = prettyNum(round(Jobs,-3),big.mark=","),
    `Employed Residents` = prettyNum(round(`Employed Residents`,-3),big.mark=","),
    `J/ER Ratio` = round(`J/ER Ratio`,2),
    `Percent Employed Residents` = paste0(round(`Percent Employed Residents`),"%"),
    `Percent Unemployment` = ifelse(is.na(`Percent Unemployment`),"NA",paste0(round(`Percent Unemployment`),"%"))

# save(pop_jobs_stockton_w_projection, file = "C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/pop_jobs_stockton_w_projection.Rdata")

  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Historical population and job counts for Stockton 2010-2018, followed by projections to 2040.'
  ) %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 2.3: Historical population and job counts for Stockton 2010-2018, followed by projections to 2040.
Year Population Jobs Employed Residents J/ER Ratio Percent Employed Residents Percent Unemployment
2010 293,000 106,000 111,000 0.95 50% 18%
2011 296,000 105,000 108,000 0.97 50% 19%
2012 298,000 104,000 106,000 0.98 50% 17%
2013 298,000 106,000 109,000 0.97 49% 15%
2014 302,000 107,000 116,000 0.93 51% 14%
2015 306,000 114,000 117,000 0.97 51% 12%
2016 307,000 116,000 123,000 0.94 54% 11%
2017 310,000 117,000 131,000 0.90 56% 7%
2018 311,000 118,000 129,000 0.92 55% 7%
2020 315,000 125,000 138,000 0.91 56% NA
2025 323,000 134,000 154,000 0.87 60% NA
2030 329,000 141,000 169,000 0.83 64% NA
2035 335,000 146,000 183,000 0.80 68% NA
2040 339,000 151,000 197,000 0.76 72% NA


Stockton’s jobs to employed residents ratio trend for 2010-2018 is notable; while it has been higher overall than the County’s J/ER ratio this decade, it has been trending slightly downwards where the County’s has been trending upwards. One possible explanation would be that Stockton has received an influx of residents who are working outside of Stockton; perhaps such residents have been displaced further from their place of work, and have moved to Stockton where they could find more affordable housing. Further analysis would be necessary to test this explanation and others. It’s also important to acknowledge that many good jobs held by Stockton residents may be just outside of official Stockton borders, in the industrial zones and neighboring cities, which still contribute to the local economy; that is why it’s useful to look at both the city and county levels. But if this preliminary analysis is indicative of a growing imbalance, then Stockton should focus on aggressive strategies to reverse the trend and bring more quality jobs within its borders.

ggplot(pop_jobs_stockton_w_projection, aes(x = Year)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = `J/ER Ratio`), size=2, colour = "forest green") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 2018), color = "dark grey") +
  annotate("text",label= "Data Available\n", color = "dark grey", x=2018, y=.75, angle = 90, size=4) +
  annotate("text",label= "\nForecast", color = "dark grey", x=2018, y=.75, angle = 90, size=4) +
  labs(title = "Stockton, CA")
Historical jobs to employed residents ratio for Stockton 2010-2018, followed by projections to 2040.

Figure 2.5: Historical jobs to employed residents ratio for Stockton 2010-2018, followed by projections to 2040.


ggplot(pop_jobs_stockton_w_projection, aes(x = Year)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = `Employed Residents`/100000, colour = "Employed Residents"), size = 2) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Jobs/100000, colour = "Jobs"), size = 2) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Population/100000, colour = "Population"), size = 2) + 
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 2018), color = "dark grey") +
  annotate("text",label= "Data Available\n", color = "dark grey", x=2018, y=2, angle = 90, size=4) +
  annotate("text",label= "\nForecast", color = "dark grey", x=2018, y=2, angle = 90, size=4) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("purple","blue","red")) + 
  labs(title = "Stockton, CA", y = "Count (100,000s)", colour = "")
Historical population, employed residents, and jobs for Stockton 2010-2018, followed by projections to 2040.

Figure 2.6: Historical population, employed residents, and jobs for Stockton 2010-2018, followed by projections to 2040.


Estimation of the average earnings of Stockton jobs is not possible using the QWI data from the previous section, which is only available at the County level. However, using LODES data, we can recreate a table of job counts by top-level NAICS industry sector (20 total).

# stockton_rac <-
#   2010:2017 %>%
#   map_dfr(function(year){
#     ca_rac <-
#       grab_lodes(
#         state = "ca",
#         year = year,
#         lodes_type = "rac",
#         job_type = "JT01",
#         segment = "S000",
#         state_part = "main",
#         agg_geo = "bg"
#       )
#     temp <-
#       stockton_bgs_full %>%
#       geo_join(ca_rac, "GEOID", "h_bg")
#     return(temp)
#   })
# save(stockton_rac, file = "C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/stockton_rac.Rdata")
load("C:/Users/derek/Google Drive/City Systems/Stockton Green Economy/stockton_rac.Rdata")

jobs_stockton_residents <-
  stockton_rac %>%
  group_by(year) %>% 
  ) %>% 
  st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
    key = "code",
    value = "Jobs"
  ) %>% 
    industry =
        code == "CNS01" ~ "Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting",
        code == "CNS02" ~ "Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction",
        code == "CNS03" ~ "Utilities",
        code == "CNS04" ~ "Construction",
        code == "CNS05" ~ "Manufacturing",
        code == "CNS06" ~ "Wholesale Trade",
        code == "CNS07" ~ "Retail Trade",
        code == "CNS08" ~ "Transportation and Warehousing",
        code == "CNS09" ~ "Information",
        code == "CNS10" ~ "Finance and Insurance",
        code == "CNS11" ~ "Real Estate and Rental and Leasing",
        code == "CNS12" ~ "Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services",
        code == "CNS13" ~ "Management of Companies and Enterprises",
        code == "CNS14" ~ "Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services",
        code == "CNS15" ~ "Educational Services",
        code == "CNS16" ~ "Health Care and Social Assistance",
        code == "CNS17" ~ "Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation",
        code == "CNS18" ~ "Accommodation and Food Services",
        code == "CNS20" ~ "Public Administration",
        code == "CNS19" ~ "Other Services"
  ) %>% 

jobs_stockton_residents_17 <-
  jobs_stockton_residents %>% 
  filter(year == 2017) %>%
  dplyr::select(-year) %>%
  arrange(desc(Jobs)) %>% 
    `NAICS Industry` = industry, 
    Jobs = prettyNum(round(Jobs,-2),big.mark=",")

  booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'Job counts by NAICS industry sector for Stockton 2017.'
  ) %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 2.4: Job counts by NAICS industry sector for Stockton 2017.
NAICS Industry Jobs
Health Care and Social Assistance 19,600
Retail Trade 14,800
Educational Services 11,200
Manufacturing 10,800
Accommodation and Food Services 10,700
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services 9,200
Transportation and Warehousing 8,500
Construction 7,300
Public Administration 6,900
Wholesale Trade 6,800
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 5,100
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 4,900
Other Services 3,800
Finance and Insurance 3,000
Information 1,800
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 1,700
Management of Companies and Enterprises 1,700
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 1,500
Utilities 1,000
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction 100